Сколь просто было поменять Hot keys для переключения языка клавиатуры в Windows 7, столь сложно это сделать сейчас. Видимо, Microsoft таким образом пытается отучить людей от клавиатуры...
Recent Windows 10 builds come with a new "Region & Language" page in the Settings app. It completely replaces the classic "Language" applet of Control Panel, which is removed starting with Windows 10 Build 17063. The new page allows users to change the display language, text-to-speech, speech recognition, and handwriting options. Here is how to change hotkeys to switch keyboard layout in Windows 10 because the UI for it has changed.
If you upgraded to Windows 10 Build 17074, its new language options can look strange to you. Unlike previous releases, it does not include the Language settings UI in the Control Panel. Now you have to use Settings to configure language settings in Windows 10.
By default, Windows 10 comes with two predefined keyboard shortcuts to switch layouts: one of them is the old, familiar Alt + Shift key combination and the other is Win + Space key combination. However, some users also changed the key sequence to Ctrl + Shift or the Grave accent (`), located below Esc. Because of redesigned settings, it may not be so obvious how to change this hotkey.
As of this writing, Windows 10 Build 17074 is most recent release of the OS. It doesn't offer any Settings page which could allow you to change the hotkeys for the input language. Instead, it offers a link which opens the classic Control Panel applet. Ironically, this applet is not accessible from the classic Control Panel any more! The situation should be changed with the final release version of Windows 10 version 1803. Here are a couple of workarounds we found that you can use in the mean time to change the hotkeys to switch keyboard layout in Windows 10 Builds 17063 and above.
To change hotkeys to switch keyboard layout in Windows 10, do the following.
An alternative way you can use is a simple Registry tweak.
Recent Windows 10 builds come with a new "Region & Language" page in the Settings app. It completely replaces the classic "Language" applet of Control Panel, which is removed starting with Windows 10 Build 17063. The new page allows users to change the display language, text-to-speech, speech recognition, and handwriting options. Here is how to change hotkeys to switch keyboard layout in Windows 10 because the UI for it has changed.
If you upgraded to Windows 10 Build 17074, its new language options can look strange to you. Unlike previous releases, it does not include the Language settings UI in the Control Panel. Now you have to use Settings to configure language settings in Windows 10.
By default, Windows 10 comes with two predefined keyboard shortcuts to switch layouts: one of them is the old, familiar Alt + Shift key combination and the other is Win + Space key combination. However, some users also changed the key sequence to Ctrl + Shift or the Grave accent (`), located below Esc. Because of redesigned settings, it may not be so obvious how to change this hotkey.
As of this writing, Windows 10 Build 17074 is most recent release of the OS. It doesn't offer any Settings page which could allow you to change the hotkeys for the input language. Instead, it offers a link which opens the classic Control Panel applet. Ironically, this applet is not accessible from the classic Control Panel any more! The situation should be changed with the final release version of Windows 10 version 1803. Here are a couple of workarounds we found that you can use in the mean time to change the hotkeys to switch keyboard layout in Windows 10 Builds 17063 and above.
To change hotkeys to switch keyboard layout in Windows 10, do the following.
- Open Settings.
- Go to Time & language - Keyboard.
- Click on the Advanced keyboard settings link.
Update: Starting with build 17083, the Advanced Options link was moved to Devices - Typing. The Keyboard page was eliminated. - There, click on the link Language bar options.
- This will open the familiar dialog "Text Services and Input Languages".
Tip: This dialog can be opened directly with the following command:
Rundll32 Shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL input.dll,,{C07337D3-DB2C-4D0B-9A93-B722A6C106E2}
- Switch to the Advanced Key Settings tab.
- Select Between input languages in the list.
- Click on the button Change key sequence, select the new key, and click OK.
An alternative way you can use is a simple Registry tweak.
Change hotkeys with a Registry tweak
- Open the Registry Editor app.
- Go to the following Registry key.
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Keyboard Layout\Toggle
See how to go to a Registry key with one click. - On the right, modify or create a new string (REG_SZ) value named Hotkey.
- Set it to one of the following values:
1 - Key Sequence enabled; use LEFT ALT+SHIFT to switch between locales.
2 - Key Sequence enabled; use CTRL+SHIFT to switch between locales.
3 - Key Sequences disabled.
4 - The grave accent key (`), located below Esc toggles input locales. - To make the changes done by the Registry tweak take effect, you need to sign out and sign in to your user account.
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